No dia 13 de setembro pelas 14h o ISCAL recebe, no auditório 2, o seminário híbrido EU funded projects organizado pela área departamental de gestão do ISCAL.
Para participar no seminário basta enviar um e-mail para com nome, UO a que pertence e se pretende participar no evento presencialmente ou online. A inscrição é gratuita.
- An overview of the EU funding landscape and key principles.
- Deep dives into three prominent programs: Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, and Interreg.
- Practical tips on eligibility criteria, application processes, and funding priorities.
- Interactive Q&A session to address your specific questions and project ideas.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Navigating the EU Funding Landscape
- Key principles and funding priorities of the European Commission
- Types of projects and beneficiaries supported
- Spotlight on Key Programs:
- Erasmus+: Funding for education, training, youth, and sport projects
- Horizon Europe: Supporting research and innovation initiatives
- Interreg: Fostering cooperation across borders
- Interactive Q&A
- Participants share their areas of interest for more targeted discussion
- Next Steps and Resources